RD – NEPHROLOGIE was founded by its president, Àngel Argilés, research director, who was seconded from the CNRS to create the company in accordance with the article 25.1 of the French law n° 99-587 of July 12, 1999, on innovation and research. Its objectives are research, development and transfer in the biomedical field and more particularly in nephrology.

RD – NEPHROLOGIE provides expertise in research and development in the context of renal pathology. It markets R&D services to pharmaceutical industries developing new products (co-development) as well as an expertise in clinical research, evaluation of therapeutic innovations and fundamental biology, in the context of projects co-developed with pharmaceutical industries and research laboratories.


RD – Nephrologie is composed of a team of researchers and PhD students

Angel Argiles

Angel Argilés

President of RD-Nephrologie, researcher, renal physician and honorary research director at CNRS
Juliana Boukhaled

Juliana Boukhaled

PhD Student
Siavash SohanGir

Siavash SohanGir

Irene Cortijo

PhD Student
Nathalie Gayrard

Nathalie Gayrard

Jonas Laget

Jonas Laget

Flore Duranton

Flore Duranton

Alain Ficheux

Alain Ficheux
